Category: Flight Operations
In Legal Air Charter, there are No Inefficiencies
With their sights set on private jet travel and the air charter market, eager software developers and marketing folks with deep pockets filled with venture capital follow the lead of Uber and Lyft.
Additional Aircraft Available for Air Charter to The Bahamas
This well-appointed Beechcraft Baron 58 is available from Skymax for air charter to The Bahamas and destinations throughout the Southeastern United States.
History of Air Taxi in the USA
Although some folks say that Air Taxi is a “revolutionary new way to travel,” people have been chartering airplanes, flying “on-demand” and using the term “air taxi” for decades – at least as far back as the early 1930’s. What is Air Taxi Service In the past, large aircraft served airports in major metropolitan, leaving…
Hello 2016: New Air Charter Service Options
Piper Navajo aircraft available for charter
Hello November
Fall colors nearing the end in Willoughby, Ohio. For this Florida gal, anything north of Palm Beach County is cold. But the opportunity to see Fall Colors is no match for dropping temperatures. Hello November!
Where in Florida is…
Flying around Florida provides many photo opportunities. Usually, aerial photos are my favorite to take and share. But on the ground at airports, there are little treasures that pique a person’s interest. Like this one… Following our passengers into the FBO, I almost tripped over this painted homage to University of Florida and The Florida…
Last Minute Deals on Air Charter Service Key West
Last Minute Deals on Air Charter Service to or from Key West We heard recently that no one really ever wants to leave Key West. I believe that. Those sunsets, that beautiful blue water, that laid-back casual vibe… Who wants to say good-bye to that? More often, folks want to get off The Mainland and…
Getting in and Out of Your Tour Planes
Jaynee in Washington State called to ask… how easy (or difficult) it is to get in and out of our airplanes. She and her husband wanted to take a sightseeing flight but his back sometimes bothered him. Since explaining the process is more difficult that showing her how to get in and out, we told…
Everglades Scenic Flight
This photograph of a home in The Everglades was captured by Shane Dolan on a sightseeing flight in Fort Lauderdale. Notice the airboat trails?
Jakhari Takes Flight
Yes Jakhari, you can fly!